Neliswa M. Dlamini Portfolio

Data Analyst & Web Developer skilled in Wordpress, Php, Javascript, SQL, R, Python, Tableau, PowerBI, Excel and more@Neliswa

EWADE Website Redesign

In this project I worked on the content layout, responsiveness and design of the EWADE redesign. I also migrated all content from the old website and requested fresh content from the client.

Central Bank of Lesotho Website Redesign

In this project I worked on the content layout, responsiveness and design of the Central Bank of Lesotho redesign. I successfully migrated over 100 files and documents from the old website to the new design and layed them out in an easily accessible way.

EWSC Website Redesign

In this project I worked on the content layout, responsiveness and design of the Central Bank of Lesotho redesign. Transfered content from the old website to the new redesign which is yet to be launched.


Mbabane, Eswatini


(+268) 766-08509 / 79647928

